
The B-Ready Approach

Vulnerability Assessments

Step 1

Historical data gathering

Step 2

Addressing social vulnerability

Step 3

Gender Risk Assessment

Step 4

Community Profiling

Disaster Preparedness Activities

  1. Participatory community disaster risk assessment
  2. Update contingency plans and community risk maps. Contingency plans are updated to integrate safeguarding and gender aspects to ensure welfare of women and children are included.
  3. Community simulation and drill based on B-READY protocol. Community simulation drill is implemented to test the effectiveness of the updated contingency plans.
  4. Development and adoption of inclusive parametric forecast index as reference of the local authority in charge in activating triggers and pre-emptive cash disbursement. 
  5. Distribution of Information, Education and Communication materials to increase awareness and updated information on DRR (Disaster Risk Reduction).
  6. Training on safeguarding and protection. Protection monitors are trained on safeguarding and gender to ensure safety of women and children in the communities especially during disaster. 
  7. Train young mothers and women on family disaster preparedness.
  8. Installation of referral mechanism to report abuse cases.
  9. Training on financial literacy and use of online financial platform.
  10. Community savings orientation on disaster preparedness.

Pre-emptive Cash Transfers

  1. Identify financial service provider and develop a framework agreement with it.
  2. Pre-emptive cash transfer training and simulation for financial service providers, community members and local authorities.
  3. Train community-based cash agent and identify money transfer mechanisms.
  4. Update guidelines and SOPs on pre-emptive cash transfer.
  5. Cash grants transferred before disaster.